Product Portfolio
   Chuck Monte

San Rafael, CA 94901
Phone: 1-415-485-6077


  GZ-1000 and GZ-500

Professional MIDI Keyboards

  • Professional MIDI keyboards.
  • GZ-1000 and GZ-500 models retailing for $3,995 and $2,200 respectfully.
  • Lightweight verses other comparable products (100 lbs).
  • Provides 88 Grand Piano scaled wooden keys used for playing as well as user system programming, editing and data entry.
  • First User-Adjustable Keyboard Action via a mechanical lever and software control.
  • Innovative touch control panel with backlit LCD.
  • Proprietary MIDI and key sensor technology able to retrofit into acoustic pianos or be offered on an OEM basis.

Data Sheet – GZ-1000


                                    Completely Functional Prototypes & Documentation

Tooling & Manufacturing by Baldwin Piano


Transformed an ordinary Baldwin Grand Piano into a cutting-edge Studio Music Keyboard System


Chuck Monte | San Rafael, CA 94901 | Phone: 1-415-485-6077 | email: